Bringing consciousness to psychiatry through the holistic arts of...

Soul Composting

Lifestyle Medicine






Through Consciousness Psychiatry, my mission is to revolutionize the field of mental health by using holistic approaches and consciousness-expanding practices instead of the standard "pill for every ill" model of the conventional system.

~ Soul Composting ~

At Conscious Psych, we learn to lean into our discomfort through the art of soul composting. 

Soul composting is a metaphorical concept that draws parallels between the process of composting organic material to enrich soil and the process of transforming life's challenges and hardships into personal growth and spiritual nourishment.

Just as composting involves breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich soil, soul composting involves introspection, reflection, and acceptance of difficult experiences or emotions. Instead of allowing these challenges to weigh us down, soul composting encourages us to integrate them into our personal narrative in a way that fosters resilience, wisdom, and inner transformation.

Click here to learn more about Soul Composting

~ Veronica Johnson, PMHNP-BC, FNP-C ~ 

My background includes a combination of allopathic and holistic practices. I am a  nurse practitioner and am licensed in both family medicine and psychiatry.  This balance helps me provide a comprehensive model with a spiritual connection.

More About Veronica

~ Community and Support ~

When you become part of the Conscious Psych community, you become part of a family.

 We can’t get through this life alone. We are, by design, social creatures and need the support and help of each other. 

At Conscious Psych we do away with labels and stereotypes.

Many of us receive messaging in childhood that hinders the ability to connect to one another and causes us to retreat in isolation.

However, here at Conscious Psych, I will provide a safe container for all of us to show up and be ourselves.

To come as we are. 

Join my FREE Online Community

~ Your Journey Begins Here ~

Soul Composting
90-day 1:1 Program

This 90-day program combines Soul Composting, VMR, and an integration period to tie it all together to create a future blueprint to meet your specific needs. 


Soul Composting

Let's explore consciousness together!